What type of tasks and styles of collaboration could a software development intern expect at Nokia?
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Hi Ruchi! I was wondering how interns may expect their time to be split between independent work and collaborative work at Nokia. How big of a focus is there on team-based work, like pair programming or working under more experienced developers, compared to independent tasks? Thank you!
Trevor S. asked a question to Stefanos B.
Category: Role Description
Date asked: mercredi, novembre 13, 2024
Last reviewed: mercredi, novembre 27, 2024
Stefanos B.
Software Engineer
Hello Trevor and thank you for your question.
Your question contains two different parts. The first part about the type of tasks in an internship is a bit general and depends on the job role you are in. The second part about the style of collaboration is more specific, because at Nokia there is a universal way of behaving.
As for the tasks you will undertake, be sure that they will be based on your capabilities and there will always be a more experienced role close to you to help and advise you on any difficulties you may encounter. It will be a good way to broaden your knowledge and gain expertise.
As for the style of collaboration, you should know that Nokia’s philosophy and culture is to respect everyone and support diversity. Ethnicity, gender, educational background and disabilities are not a means of categorizing people at Nokia. All people have the same opportunities. Discrimination has no place at Nokia. All of the above are important because they can form the basis for a stable and healthy working environment.
mercredi, novembre 27, 2024