is there any innovative challenge in Nokia
Additional information
can in know the recent and upcoming innovative challenge in Nokia
Anonymous asked a question to Kamil M.
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Monday, October 5, 2020
Last reviewed: Friday, December 8, 2023
Kamil M.
5G Continuous Verification Specialist
Is there "any"?
There are lots of ;)
I am familiar mostly with local activities (Poland, WrocÅaw)
We have Nokia Garage - well-prepared space for innovative activities. We organize Innodays - big events of innovations. Our employees make patents with Nokia, we cooperate with universities - now our employees do their Ph.D. at WrocÅaw University of Science and Technology.
We create innovations in many areas.
Take a look at these links:
And this: global YT Nokia Channel
And this: WrocÅaw YT Nokia Channel
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Sandrine H.
Employer Brand Ops and Innovation Lead
Innovation is at the core of any project at Nokia so my colleagues @Stefanos B. , @Steve T. , @Lindsey S. , @Rita L. and @Karoliina S. might be interested in sharing their perspectives too :)
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Rita L.
Assistant Professor
Of course, there are a lot of challenges, often Nokia collaborates with universities and allows Nokia workers to take part in projects or classes from well-known universities to explore new tools and capabilities and there we can explore many different things and cooperate with academia to create even better solutions for the clients, based on a developer perspective!
Monday, November 27, 2023
Karoliina S.
Project Manager, NDAC Networks
Hi! Indeed, innovation is the key to success. Nokia has a very active cooperation with universities. That's very important in our business. In addition, we have a wide range of innovators and visionaries among our employees. I'm part of our local innovation team, and we are relentlessly working on discovering new things.
I mentioned innovators and visionaries, but let's not forget dreamers, as to invent, you need a good imagination. :)
Friday, December 8, 2023
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