What's the most rewarding project you've worked on?
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I am Nokia Employee at Pakistan at contract is there any possibility to work with Nokia as permanent employee
Hassan M. asked a question to Lucy F.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, October 10, 2019
Lucy F.
head of technology
Many projects I've worked on let me feel rewarding:
1. As I am worked in R&D, when our team tried our extra miles to reach our program milestone, finally delivery our product to our customer with high quality.
2. In 2018, we organized 5G/IoT Submit with our ecosystem partner and government together, promoting NOKIA 5G position, engaged new ecosystem partners to work with NOKIA for potential 5G business opportunity.
3. When my team member grew fast and development a lot with my support, took more responsibilities, I feel really rewarded from my heart.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
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