I was wondering for the application process does Nokia only look at grades or other skills as well?
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I noticed the website states that "You have to have a 75% average" and I have roughly 83% average but this was not my best year for maths. So I was wondering if I would be overlooked compared to a person who has a 90% in maths. Thanks
Anonymous asked a question to Nokia
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: Thursday, February 21, 2019
Last reviewed: Friday, February 22, 2019
Catalina Z.
Talent Acquisition Manager - Americas Region
Hello there! Thank you for your message. Although grades are important, that´s not the only thing we look for in a candidate! We value your energy, your interests, your motivations, your achievements, and your skills too. Hope this solves your question.
Friday, February 22, 2019
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