How can an ex-Nokia employee connect with HR for current opportunities?
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I am an ex-Nokia employee(7 yrs) from India and currently pursuing MS in Business Analytics. I am looking for opportunities and really want to join Nokia again. Please help me connect with the right people.
Pooja O. asked a question to Nokia
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Friday, February 8, 2019
Last reviewed: Friday, February 8, 2019
Catalina Z.
Talent Acquisition Manager - Americas Region
Pooja, thank you for your message. Ex-Nokia employees will follow the same recruitment process as any other candidates that haven´t worked with us. In that sense, please visit our external career site and update your profile, including your previous experience with Nokia and your time with us. Hope this solves your questions. Regards,
Friday, February 8, 2019
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