Please describe the biggest opportunities facing the company/department right now?
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Percebi muitas vagas abertas para São Paulo, provavelmente existe um planejamento em andamento, teremos novidades para produtos NOKIA no mercado ainda esse ano?
Wanderley de Oliveira R. asked a question to Noelia C.
Category: About us
Date asked: mardi, mai 24, 2022
Last reviewed: vendredi, septembre 16, 2022
Noelia C.
Americas Transformation Lead
At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. A lot has changed in the post-pandemic world, some are the result of the natural journey of human, and technological evolution, and some are pandemic-driven accelerated transformation. Socioeconomic and geopolitical development, technological development, and user needs are emerging as the key trends that will define the future. It is where I believe the opportunities for us lie ahead. The user needs and expectations for a better experience drive innovation, which leads to technological development. Given what we do and our role in developing & supporting technology for critical networks, we are uniquely positioned to play a significant part in the future world. Meeting the future needs of consumers, industries, and business enterprises and addressing their connectivity and productivity needs is the biggest opportunity for Nokia. The CSPs (Communication Service Providers) are our biggest customers today. It is an opportunity and responsibility for us to enable them to capture the value shift to the cloud and a new business model.
vendredi, septembre 16, 2022
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