Does Nokia look beyond company specific skills while recruiting Engineering talents?
Additional information
Like recruiting only people with Nokia product experience and not considering talents with experience from other telecommunication vendors.
Omorodion S. asked a question to Engineering & Science
Category: Eligibility
Date asked: Friday, February 8, 2019
Last reviewed: Friday, February 22, 2019
Sam Y.
research and development engineer
Hello Omorodion!
From my experience, Nokia does not particularly hire based on Nokia-product experience, but with the skills you have that is needed for the position you're applying for.
Definitely, Nokia will train you about their products and services and how they operate so you don't have to worry about not being too skilled about their specific products, but it is always to an applicant's advantage to research the company and the position you are interested in.
I think what is crucial is to revisit your telco fundamentals and skills needed for the position you are eyeing for.
For example, I applied as an R&D Engineer in Nokia with my basic knowledge of the telco network and programming language. The rest, I learned from the trainings during my onboarding to the company, and the projects assigned to me.
I hope I have answered your question and that this helps you.
Good luck to your ventures!
Monday, February 11, 2019
Sandrine H.
Employer Brand Ops and Innovation Lead
Hi Omorodion, I see you are based in Canada. We regularly have opportunities in our Ottawa site, check them out here: https://careers.nokia.com/page/job-opportunities-in-ottawa-363. You can reate a profile in our system and select the option of receiving notifications for new vacancies to always find the latest jobs in line with your career aspirations. Also, my colleagues Adam N. and Catalina G. might want to share their views about careers at Nokia.
Monday, February 18, 2019
Mutiyat L.
When applying to Nokia, to whom do I address my cover letter especially when the position is in Nigeria?
Friday, February 22, 2019
Omorodion S.
Hello Mutiyat, I believe addressing your cover letter to in quote,"HR Manager, Nokia Nigeria, Lagos", would be a good choice. The HR Manager or whoever is in charge of hiring for that position would definitely treat/forward your cover letter to the appropriate quarters.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Sandrine H.
Employer Brand Ops and Innovation Lead
Omorodion A., thanks for adding your view to the conversation! :) That's indeed the right recommendation to Mutiyat S.!
Friday, February 22, 2019
Omorodion S.
You're welcome Sandrine H.
Friday, February 22, 2019
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