Can you describe what your typical working day is?
Charlie Q. asked a question to Nokia
Category: Day to Day
Date asked: Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Last reviewed: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Inbar F.
Cloud R&D Director
A typical working day usually starts with meetings with team members and team leads which are in different geographical locations (the group is spread over multiple continents and mornings are the best time slot to sync),
it is then followed by replying emails and discussions with the local engineers and leads about pressing issues around priorities, solutions to questions or problems that some of them are facing. around noon I mostly help with actual code and technical issues (I will never give up the hands-on approach).
In the evening there are usually end of the day syncs on progress made during the day and at night I sometimes also do syncs on critical items that are needed to be taken care of during the day of a different time zone.
It's hard work but extremely satisfying.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Maryam C.
Very good job
Friday, February 8, 2019
Cindi L.
Lead Counsel - Procurement Legal COE
Because we are a global company, when dealing with a global team, some days begin very early (Europe is 6 hours ahead of the US east coast). A day could begin with a call via Teams and there could be many calls throughout the day. As Europe will end its day at about Noon US EST, it allows the afternoons to be used to do the work that results from the early morning US time calls and prepare to have answers from the EU colleagues when they arrive at work the next day
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Glenda Y.
Global Supply Manager for Mobile Networks Customer Operations
My typical work day begins around 6:00 or 7:00 AM because I work an international job. The nice thing is that I Work From Home (WFH), even before Covid-19, so it's easy to hop on my morning calls which mostly run until noon. I do have calls in the afternoon, but my afternoons are mostly filled with dedicated time to address issues, answer and push out emails, and work on deliverables. I also enjoy my job because I work with people on almost every continent. I also enjoy the convenience and flexibility of WFH, but also enjoy going into the office and/or partner facilities (EMSs, Warehouse) to manage inventory and foster relationships.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
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