Please can you give me some information on Nokia's core values?
Anonymous asked a question to Anni R.
Category: Culture
Date asked: Monday, October 28, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Anni R.
Customer Transformation Lead
So culturally we have 4 core values: Respect, Achievement, Renewal and Challenge. in short in means that we aim to treat each other kindly and invest in people's growth and innovation. At the same time it means we push the boundaries of performance. Most importantly, everybody is allowed to say openly if something is not working and challenge the way we do things. I would say that we meet those values rather well - maybe I could summarise it like this. You are free to be exactly who you are and speak openly about anything, even the bad things. In return high performance and new ideas is expected of you. Fair enough :)
Thursday, December 5, 2019
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