Picture of Hi, what advice do you have for someone who wants to join Nokia?

Hi, what advice do you have for someone who wants to join Nokia?

6 responses

Additional information

Job in Angola

Nilton K. asked a question to Nokia

Category: Career Advice

Date asked: Friday, March 15, 2019

Last reviewed: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Picture of Lucy F.

Lucy F.

head of technology

There are some suggestions from my personal experience:
1. Whatever you do, do it from whole heart, enjoy and try best in each role you take. Actually, we can learn and develop in each role, enjoy learning.
2. Forget your role, your title, don't be limited by a certain role and title. If we think something is valuable to do, let's do it; Speak about your ideas openly with your managers and your colleagues.
3. Be active to put extra miles to take responsibility on top of your own role, especially cross unit/team cooperation and networking. For example, I took one role as HZTC project leader in 2016, it's a volunteer-based role, the target is to cooperate with Polish colleagues to study different countries culture, share and guide with Chinese and Polish colleagues to improve understanding of each country culture, to improve communication and cooperation cross sites. A lot of extra efforts for learning and sharing, but people really got benefits from the project, I personally built a wider network and learned something new from it.
4. A great thing never came from comfort zones, dare to try something new, be eager to learn. When I decide to try something new, it's not because of the title, but learning opportunity and different experience. It gives me strong internal motivation to jump out of my comfort zone.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Catalina Z.

Talent Acquisition Manager - Americas Region

Hello Nilton, thank you for reaching out. Please visit our External Career page, www.nokia.com/careers to create your professional profile and upload your CV. In case you receive either an e-mail or a call from us, make sure you have read the complete description of the opportunity that is available. You can find further information about us, our products and our business on our website. Prepare for the interview and be ready to share what you have done in the past. Regards,

Monday, March 18, 2019

Picture of Ram V.

Ram V.

Talent Acquisition Partner


We definitely look for candidates who want to share their experience and knowledge with the world .

As you know we are currently into the virtual environment, therefore we expect our employees to be in line with our Nokia Values & cultural principles and to the most show respect for diversity.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Picture of Charles J.

Charles J.

Learning Solutions Consultant

Thank you for making this extremely important inquiry. The question you ask has no short answer, as the different jobs within Nokia have both shared and unique professional skills requirements. The eligibility requirements provided each job’s description, responsibilities and competencies, and qualifications (for the position(s) of interest to you) is a good starting point to assess where you might want to sharpen certain skills.


Among the key qualities for individuals to excel in today’s workplace environment (whether within and Nokia facility if virtual office) include being a team player, holding yourself accountable to perform well, possessing a continuous learning and knowledge-sharing mindset, and having the willingness to ask questions and to fearlessly speak up in relevant ways. It’s important to be self-awareness to recognize and address your strengths and weakness. Meeting and exceeding workplace performance expectations for Nokia beginners (and for veteran employees too), requires one to consistently put forth their best efforts, with integrity, in support of their organization’s most important goals. At Nokia, building and maintaining the skills required to excel in the workplace will not depend entirely on you. Your organization, and especially your first-line manager, will also play crucial roles in supporting your pursuit of professional skills and excellence. Additionally, Nokia’s Product & Technical Learning Services group, which is Nokia’s premier learning organization for continuous learning and professional development, delivers the business-impacting learning solutions you need to develop new professional skills and to help maintain and upgrade those you already possess. Thank you again for asking this extremely important question.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Laura P.

Technology Centre development manager

Hi, adding to Catalina, remember to be open and curious. Ask questions and be interested about things. Problem solving skills are always valued in our company. But the main thing is that be yourself.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Picture of Stefanos B.

Stefanos B.

Software Engineer

First of all, after completing your studies you need to look for a career that suits your work desire properly. Through it you can understand how close you are to what you want. If there is any deviation, you can try to change your work area within the company in order to better approach your goal. For example, in Nokia there is the possibility of internal movement.
You should also know that your career goal will always become clearer through education. This feature exists in Nokia. Each employee can spend time in different areas of training based on their interests, skills, and previous experience.
In conclusion, I believe that starting work in a field related to your work desire is the first important pillar to achieve your goal. The second is the willingness for continuous training and learning.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

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