Picture of Many people suggest highlighting achievements in CV, Could you provide some tips on how to demonstrate this effectively?

Many people suggest highlighting achievements in CV, Could you provide some tips on how to demonstrate this effectively?

Picture of Simo
Picture of Izabela
8 responses
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Max S. asked during the live chat Launch your career with Nokia: Live Chat with recent graduates and interns | Europe Edition to Nokia

Category: Application Advice

Date asked: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Last reviewed: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Simo H.

Simo H.


I can pitch in my 5 pennies. Achievement is often a combination of subjective and objective. Objective achievement is often something that is recognized by a 3rd party. Subjective is how you feel about said achievement yourself and how you express the achievement's value to you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Izabela S.

Izabela S.

Talent Attraction Partner

Hi! I see a perfect response from Simo :) please make sure that the achievements that you are mentioning in the CV are relevant to the position that you are applying for

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Simo H.

Simo H.


However, I have often found that what makes achievements truly shine is the personal feeling of pride and joy it took to achieve them. When people have a fun time talking about their achievements, it is also fun and attention-grabbing to listen to them.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Izabela S.

Izabela S.

Talent Attraction Partner

If it's possible - try to quantify the achievements. For example, "Managed a team of 10 and increased productivity by 20%".

Try to group achievements by themes/competencies. For example: Project Management/Leadership. With technical skills and achievements - try to describe projects that you are the most proud of and mention the technology that you used.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Max S.

Max S.

Hi Izabela, Hi Simo, many thanks for your insightful info.

Should I focus solely on highlighting my background and achievements that align with the skills required for the position? Or is it sometimes beneficial to go beyond what the role description specifically calls for and showcase additional strengths?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Simo H.

Simo H.


A good question. It is naturally a great boon if your presented experience aligns with the position you are applying to. However, each work, project and achievement contains within them also "Soft skills". Soft skills are present with you no matter the type of work you are applying to. Soft skills such as communication, the ability to listen, work long-term, plan ahead, endure and prevail. These also express you as a person.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Max S.

Max S.

Again thank you for your help, Having worked at both ASUS and Huawei, I found it quite challenging to bring innovative ideas to the top layer in such hierarchical environments. In your opinion, how would you describe the culture at Nokia?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture of Simo H.

Simo H.


Hmm... As a trainee, I have found myself able to bring everything up to my managers. Here in Finland, we have a good culture with hierarchies and for a manager to poorly treat their subordinates raising a valid issue is considered a violation of their responsibilities. Naturally one still has to make their case to the best of their abilities and preferably present it according to good manners.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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