How do you advocate/support female, non-binary and trans engineers/software developers within Nokia?
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Are there programs, groups or mandates in place to assure diversity?
Olga P. asked a question to Linda K.
Category: Diversity
Date asked: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Last reviewed: Thursday, May 26, 2022
Linda K.
Talent Attraction Partner & Campus Program Manager
Nokia has global and local country employee resource groups (ERGs) for women, non-binary, and other underrepresented groups . These ERG groups work together to support the inclusion and equality within all employees at all levels and job functions within the organisation not only engineers and software developers - even though STEM field is of specific interest. At a global and local level, each country has diversity initiatives and programs that target and addresses the challenges that our employees may face. Some of these, can be learning and development opportunities, guest speaks, open forums, coffee chats, etc.
Thursday, May 26, 2022
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